- The language of the text shall be Turkish or English. Full texts should be written on A4 paper (210×297 mm), 1.25 intervals, justified-alignment, Times New Roman font 12 points.
- The page dimensions should be set as 4cm left, 2cm right and 3cm top and bottom.
- The heading of the text should be typed single-spaced, centered, bold 14 points, all capital letters in Times New Roman.
- Headings (except for Introduction and Conclusion) should be placed according to their numbering.
- At the beginning of the text there should be a cover or footnote containing the name and surname of the author(s), title, affiliation, contact information (telephone and e-mail address), and ORCID code.
- Within the framework of the above features, the volume of tables, figures, summaries and references should not exceed 20 pages.
- For citations, authors should use the classic method of footnotes, which is a system of in-text bibliography, in APA format.
- Verification of works for plagiarism shall be carried out by responsible authors and works containing plagiarism will not be published.